coloured guppies

I always thought colour pencils are for school kids. How wrong I was!! Colour pencils is almost like pencil sketching but the end result is a million times more impressive with all the different values and hues produced by layering colours.
This is one of my favorite colour pencil works i have done..ever!!

This one is from a book that i copied as a practice work.

This is my work inspired by the colourful spring flowers.

Knife painting

This is my first ever palette knife painting and I am so so proud of the way it turned out.Well i always thought knife painting is messy and very amateurish...but  am wrong.It is fun and great to get some nice textures and you do get to play around with paint.

pour and cling

As the title suggests its just as simple as that...this was my first work in my art class. The first one as instructed i used the primary oil colours and used the cling film to create textures.The second and the third was me in an experimenting and a daring mood!!..i used acrylics and really like the textures i got. As for the fates of these three works -
I used the first one to work a seascape into the already created texture.Just used darker shades of blue and white to get the waves and water splash.And left the top most part of blue, green (blue + yellow mixed when i put the cling film) and the yellow as the shades for sky.The red bits i created shadows with a dark shade of blue + red (and little black) and they became the rocks.

The second one was the brightly mixed vermilion + yellow, yellow ochre,blue and black.I just like it the way it is with all the twists and turns.It looks like a modern art.

The favorite third...what can i say i loovvee it.It all just came right the shades,the shadows and the lines creating the texture.When i see it all i think of is a stormy sky and the sea splashing wildly and i even found the perfect reference pic for the painting in Hopefully will start this painting soon but not just yet.

Starter kit - Oil painting

ohh la laa my first post :))) ( real big grin ) 
okey now being my first post and all thought il tell what materials and brushes and all the different things i use for painting. Well for now m gonna be telling what i use for oil paintings..
1.) paints - back when i first started to paint with oils i got a camel student kit of 12 colours and then got the artist kit (same brand ) as they are the only brands available in India for starters and its priced well i could say less.... now that i know there are other brands which are like a whooping high.
I do have some colours from Pebeo which i got for real nice deal.And at my city and guild class we are given Daler Rowney oil colours.
2.) Brushes - i have all kinds of brushes from synthetic, hog and white bristle. Some times i even use watercolour brushes for blending!oh i even got a set of palette knife which i used only for painting recently and love the textures i can create with it.
3.)Palette - i have a plastic one at home and a wooden one at class.
4.)what else..!!???...hmmm turps, linseed oil, white spirit well i think this is the basic stuff needed to start..