Starter kit - Oil painting

ohh la laa my first post :))) ( real big grin ) 
okey now being my first post and all thought il tell what materials and brushes and all the different things i use for painting. Well for now m gonna be telling what i use for oil paintings..
1.) paints - back when i first started to paint with oils i got a camel student kit of 12 colours and then got the artist kit (same brand ) as they are the only brands available in India for starters and its priced well i could say less.... now that i know there are other brands which are like a whooping high.
I do have some colours from Pebeo which i got for real nice deal.And at my city and guild class we are given Daler Rowney oil colours.
2.) Brushes - i have all kinds of brushes from synthetic, hog and white bristle. Some times i even use watercolour brushes for blending!oh i even got a set of palette knife which i used only for painting recently and love the textures i can create with it.
3.)Palette - i have a plastic one at home and a wooden one at class.
4.)what else..!!???...hmmm turps, linseed oil, white spirit well i think this is the basic stuff needed to start..